August 06, 2019
•1 min read
Dear Scissors,
I bought you in a shop. The same shop in Baghdad where I bought my fabric. I bought you the same day I opened my shop when I was 14 years old. Afterward, I bought more scissors, but I will always remember you, as you were my first pair.
You were black, not plastic but metal, just a bit bigger than my hand. You didn’t smell of anything, or at least I don’t remember. I liked you because you helped me make my work. With you I made many curtains. Every time I opened my shop I had you with me. I used you to cut my fabric, but I had to leave you behind because I had to close my shop and sell everything, including you.
Even though I know that I will have other pairs of scissors in the future, I will never forget you because with you I created my first curtains. I hope you are in good hands now and that you will never forget about me too.
Love, Zainulabdeen